Tips for Being Healthy After Fifty


Eat less than your real desire

Press the air out of your system from time to time using minimal pressure on your stomach with caution.

The air inside your system can cause a lot of problems. It should therefore be forced out to keep you healthy and fit.

As you know our body is made up of five elements namely Water, soil, air, fire, and Akash (sky) equally. Whenever this setting is interrupted something or another problem will appear.

A controlled life keeps you away from such problems.

It is therefore up to us to follow a controlled system. A controlled lifestyle is full of limitations. Getting to bed early, waking up to breakfast, eating on time, exercising, and choosing a meal schedule.

As we focus on exhausting our digestive system it is natural that we should avoid taking in digested food. This follows the fact that grains, vegetables, fruits, and other foods are known to produce gas in the digestive system should be avoided.

To keep our digestion proper and proper we should avoid drinking water during meals as the acids produced by our glands to digest food taken by us are purified causing a hindrance to the digestive process.

When we get up in the morning after a break we can go for a walk if possible or we should exercise regularly. Keeping our age in mind we should focus more on yogic exercise. Our main concern should be to remove gases from our system.

When our stomach is free of gas we can drink a glass of cold water or Luke’s warm water and take nothing in thereafter at least half an hour. We are focused on saving the lives of people in their fifties because it is a time when most people do not care about their health, they tend to eat spicy, fatty, and fried foods without caring about their health.

Exhalation should be done with extreme caution.

The pressure should be applied gently so that the contents of the stomach are not spilled. For our breakfast and snacks, we should take limited food items as described above.

The expulsion procedure should not be performed until about two hours after eating. Doing so will give you an idea of ​​how much pressure should be used to force the gases out of your stomach. The process can be repeated after a small gap until the desired result is obtained.

It should be borne in mind that this forced ventilation will also occur with smaller belts.

As we know the digestion we have taken is a chemical factor. The water and gases available as transport products are used by our body while an excessive amount is released into the system. Water and other toxins are passed on as urine while gas or air is released naturally as air passes through.

Man must eat in order to live and he must not live on food. Keep your stomach light and you will always feel good and strong. Overeating, on the other hand, will make you lazy. One should therefore be patient and continue the process from time to time rather than making a habit of doing it over and over again.

First, let’s talk about some precautions to be taken when putting pressure on the stomach. Most gases are found on the upper side of the abdomen. If we apply a little pressure on the stomach by absorbing it inside the air will come out of the mouth in small portions. Repeated sucking will help release a sufficient amount of gases into the system making you feel comfortable.

A normal lifestyle, a nutritious and healthy diet, a little exercise will never give you a chance to regret life but it can give you a long and healthy life that your members will enjoy.

One has to be very careful when using this process of exhaustion in our system as the stomach is the most sensitive organ of our body and any improper pressure on it can be a problem. However, I will advise all 50 people i.e. people aged 50 and over on the first-morning exercise program which aims to warm up the body and internal organs and compress the air from our system.

So far part of the workout is worrying I don’t feel confused about which exercise program one would like to follow. So feel free to follow an exercise program that feels right for you. Our regular exercise routine should not be difficult or strenuous and should go smoothly. Continuously our exercise should be balanced for example if we turn our right hand a full circle four times should also change our left hand four times.

This exercise startup program

This exercise startup program will be more than just the usual exercise routine you wish to follow regularly. This program is very easy to follow. It does not take 30 to 45 minutes. You have no choice but to stretch yourself completely in all positions i.e. lying down, lying face down, and lying sideways.

Now let’s focus on lighting the air that comes out of our system. There are three positions in which we can force the outflow of air from our system. In this process you may sometimes need to stretch your abdomen, sometimes shorten it, sometimes you may have to suck your belly up, and sometimes press it down

You may need to throw, twist, twist, twist, and stretch your body and do all kinds of internal acrobatics to push air out of your system but always useless or less energy or pressure without straining your stomach. You can also evaluate your approach and position to suit your purpose. But rest assured, this type of exercise is only possible on a heavy bed or more on a cotton mattress. Do not use foam or coir mattresses on purpose

This stretching will provide warmth to the internal organs of our body. The first position is while lying face down and positions 2 and 3 follow when lying down facing the right and left sides respectively.

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